Full course description
This application form is for all applicants. Please note that some questions are differentiated depending on whether you will/will not be employed in the early years sector when you commence the programme. You need to be able to complete the form fully in one sitting – i.e. you cannot return to it on another occasion, so please have everything needed to hand. We strongly recommend that you use the Word template for your personal statement as this will mean you can write it offline. The form should then take you between 45 - 60 minutes to complete.
Please download and read through the guidance before proceeding.
There are still Assessment Only places available across the UK. This 3-month route can commence anytime between now and June 2015.
If you have questions not answered by the website information or application guidance, you can contact our recruitment team on 0117 920 9200 or email for more information (please put EYITT in the email subject header).
Before you start
Please confirm all of the following:
- I have my personal contact information to hand
- I have all of my setting contact information including the setting manager's email address (if applicable)
- I have my National Insurance number
- I have scans of my certificates (degree, English, maths and science GCSEs or recognised equivalents)
- I have already completed my personal statement offline and have it ready to copy and paste from
- I understand that to receive NCTL funding for Early Years Initial Teacher Training, I must have the right to work and the right to study in the UK for at least the duration of your chosen route. I also understand that if I am from overseas and require a visa to work or study in England, I must provide a copy of my visa and I confirm that I have it ready to upload